Caring for an elderly relative can be challenging when you’re committed to your career. Many people leave their jobs to care for parents, but that isn’t your only option. Consider these strategies for keeping your job—and your sanity:
¨ Look into workplace regulations for taking time off to care for relatives.
¨ Flex your work schedule. You may be able to telecommute, work part-time, or take on a flexible schedule. Talk to your manager. If you’re a valuable member of your team, your company will probably be eager to accommodate your needs.
¨ Get help. Hiring a skilled caregiver to take care of your relative at least some of the time can give you some needed respite. Adult daycare centers can also provide your loved one with a safe, enjoyable environment.
¨ Talk about your situation. Don’t complain endlessly, but don’t keep your eldercare responsibilities a secret from your co-workers and manager. Chances are they’ll be more understanding of your situation when they know what you’re dealing with.

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