Lead With Positive Attitude

Tuesday Dec 03rd, 2019


The success of any team (not to mention your own family!) depends on the positive attitudes of the members and the leader. Demonstrate—and reinforce—these important personal guidelines:

· Ego control. Remember, be committed to the goals of the team, not your own ambitions. Can you and the rest of your team put the group’s priorities first?

· Admitting mistakes. Be willing to honestly concede errors so the team can move on.

· Constructive disagreement. Hiding your expertise just to avoid conflict won’t help the team achieve their goals. Everyone has to be willing to stand up for their ideas and to listen respectfully to other points of vieW

· Positive spin. Instead of saying, “You’re being stubborn,” say “I notice you’re very determined right now.” You’ll have better results trying to get things done.

· Accept responsibility. Sometimes the situation is your fault. If you notice the same problems coming up repeatedly, ask yourself if there’s something about you that’s getting in the way here.

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